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Stephanie Turple
Jul 8, 20233 min read
Must-Watch: HBO's Six Feet Under
As a yoga practitioner and teacher, I try to regularly immerse myself in not only breath and posture practices but also studying the...
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Stephanie Turple
Jun 29, 20234 min read
Could it be the end is not so near?
The term yoga practitioner seems to be synonymous with environmentalist. I grew up being taught to recycle, and wash Ziploc bags for...
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Stephanie Turple
Apr 20, 20233 min read
Domesticating your Downward Dog
Downward Dog. Many of us, even those who don't practice yoga, have heard these words, and know it's some kind of variation of a common...
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Stephanie Turple
Feb 18, 20233 min read
The Scarcity Steal
The third of the five Yamas (Universal Morality) in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras is Asteya or non-stealing. Seems pretty self-evident at...
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Stephanie Turple
Nov 18, 20223 min read
Multi-tasking is a myth
Since the onslaught of the pandemic and the meteoric rise of education via Zoom, myself and others who work as teachers have noticed a...
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Stephanie Turple
Sep 16, 20223 min read
When "Yogacise" clashes with Yoga
I've been practicing yoga for 18 years now and teaching for 14. About a year ago, I made a promise to myself as a yoga teacher to deliver...
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Stephanie Turple
Jul 28, 20223 min read
Attached to Attachment
I was talking with a group of students a few days ago and we got onto the subject of attachment, which is considered one of the five...
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Stephanie Turple
Jun 10, 20223 min read
The Age of Outrage
I didn't really follow the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp bloodbath. I mostly just heard in passing that they were in court. But the other day,...
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Stephanie Turple
Apr 7, 20223 min read
Question everything
Some things are better observed after the fact; as the famous saying goes: "Hindsight is 20/20". Now that some time has passed since the...
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Stephanie Turple
Mar 6, 20224 min read
Plank This
Ahh, plank. Everyone's favorite pose. I don't know too may students who relish lingering in what feels like a torturous pose, and I get...
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Stephanie Turple
Dec 9, 20213 min read
Fast and Furious
“Note that a common misunderstanding among teachers and students alike is the notion that a fast pace is somehow more challenging or...
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Stephanie Turple
Aug 4, 20213 min read
Ain't that the truth...
Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? When considering the second of the five Yamas, Satya or Truth, ask yourself these three...
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Stephanie Turple
Aug 27, 20203 min read
Transitions are also yoga poses
In our Western societies, much value has been placed on being "efficient", or as I like to think of it, rushing through life with our...
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Stephanie Turple
Aug 7, 20204 min read
Do No Harm
"Blood-thirsty tyrants may be vegetarians, but violence is a state of mind, not of diet." B.K.S. Iyengar In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras,...
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Stephanie Turple
Jun 15, 20204 min read
Yoga Explained - Mountain Pose
Were you ever told growing up to "stand up straight" or "don't slouch"? At the time, it may have sounded like an annoying parental...
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Stephanie Turple
Jun 8, 20205 min read
Yoga is for everyone. So let's clean up our act.
With all that's currently happening in the U.S. and spilling over into Canada, I couldn't help but reflect on the state of our southern...
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Stephanie Turple
May 26, 20204 min read
Beginner vs advanced yoga practitioner - what's the real difference?
At a feedback session for a fellow teacher-in-training, the teacher commented that she was a bit nervous about teaching an "advanced"...
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Stephanie Turple
May 11, 20203 min read
Yoga Explained - Yogic Breath
So you're in a yoga class (most likely virtual these days, but feel free to draw on your memories of in-person classes taken...
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Stephanie Turple
Apr 22, 20203 min read
Knowing IS the battle
So we're into week six of this lockdown and I'm beginning to rethink how much of a gift time might be. It was great about three weeks ago...
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Stephanie Turple
Mar 30, 20203 min read
The Gift of Time
As this global pandemic continues, and I realize that I may be confined to my home longer than initially anticipated, I'm beginning to...
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